, who never die, rather enter into a cone shaped being called an octave doctor when they are old, and then exit rejuvenated again. The PHPs (abbreviation for Pot Head Pixie, not a web code language) fly around in vehicles called "Flying Teapots" (allusion to flying saucers).
The most famous of all the productions made by this group of friends and relations who we call Gong, is of course the Planet Gong trilogy of three albums all dedicated to telling us the story of Zero the hero and his adventure with the inhabitants of the green planet; Gong. These three albums are called, respectively; Radio Gnome Invisible (flying teapot
Daevid Allen has also made a host of albums and rock poetry as solo projects.
His ex wife, who was a singer with the original line up, also made some albums, under the name "Mother Gong" She made her name using the Planet Gong character "Shakti Yoni"as her pseudonym, and making some absolutely heavenly rapturous noises which became her trademark, known as "Spacewhispers". She started as she was in Paris and began to make poetry with the band "Soft Machine" which was the creation of her later to be husband, and creator of Gong, Daevid Allen. The album "Mother" was perhaps Gilli's most enchanting album.
Taliesin - Mother (Gilli Smyth)Gong band are by no means over, they have now Released a New Album for 2010 called "2032" and are going on U.K. tour.
Gong - Master Builder
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